Area orientation
Big top 5 schools and education
1. ISE Eindhoven’
2. De Wereldwijzer NT2 onderwijs aan neveninstromers
3. Salto Scholen Eindhoven, Openbare scholen
4. Christelijke scholen Eindhoven
5. Speciaal onderwijs Eindhoven
Big top 5 Childcare
1. Kids Company
2. Korein Kinderplein
3. Klokje rond (24 hours service)
4. Kinderstad, location ISE and Hightech Campus
5. Daycare Paradijs Humanitas
Big Top 5 Medical services:
1. Family doctors/Huisartsen praktijk Eindhoven
2. Pharmacy/Apotheken Eindhoven
3. Fysiotherapie Eindhoven
4. Hospital/Catharina Ziekenhuis
5. Maxima Medisch Centrum
Big Top 5 Sports
1. Swimmingpools: Tongelreep, Ottenbad
2. Fitness
3. Sportverenigingen
4. CKE
5. Ice skating, Ice hockey; ice sport center Eindhoven
Big 5 field of activity
- Housing and area orientation
- Education and childcare
- Medical information
- Sports
- Practical information at the official authorities such as replacing driving license, opening a Bank account, path finding at the official authorities; the city hall, IND, public transport and the Expatcenter.